Monday, July 17, 2006

Psychology Homework

My Psyco teacher was a comedian man..
How cool is that..

This Semester got more hot Men teachers.. =O)


THe "cute" surfe dude ICPU lecturer.. Mr. Dave

is getting Married..~!

.. too Miss Megan..


They met here in Taylor's and they're goin back to Canada to get Married.. =O)

My Psycology lecturer asked us to ponder about Malaysian Culture in our groups..
After 10 mins..
The lights went off..
And there stood Mr. J,
With an Ice Hockey stick, head gear and an evolution picture of mankind ending with a Canadian with a hockey stick..
Canadians love thier hockey by the way..
And if you call them "Americans," it's like almost insulting them..
Although geographicly the two countries are close, but they're supposedly nothin alike in terms of social attributes.
Canadians are supposedly more down to earth, friendly, and have that ready-to-help-attitute compared to the Americans which are more "I want things THAT way," and their attitude of "lets go invade another country".. lolz.. and abit on the egoistic side being the supposed "superpower" of the world. According to my lecturers u can put anyone, in a Canadian school, and the person would fit right in..
And my cousin, who studies in Canada seems to be doing just great.. =o)
She sez she loves it there..
So yea.. there must be some truth in it..
But of course, don't be misled, i'm not generalizing the people in Canada or the U.S.. Not everyone is like that.. It's just most people I guess.. Just like how Singapore and Malaysia are so alike in many ways.. yet so different..
Like how "kiasu" the students in Singapore are, and how care free Malaysians can be with thier Tidak-Apa-Attitude... For example Kevin throwing rubbish out of the car window everyday.. sheesh.. and yes, of course, the all famous Malaysian timing..;O)

My lecturers are starting to make me like Canada alot..
Hope I could study there or sumthin..
Seems like an awesome place... both Geographiclly and Socially...
Heard Canada is really beautiful...

Getting really off topic here..
With the lights off,
Mr. J, my psyco teacher...
Suddenly pops out from under the table,
With his Hockey Stick, Head gEar and funky t-shirt,
Stood on the table,
And started doing a rant from a famous Canadian beer ad about being Canadian..
Apparently, it was the most played commercial in Canadian History.. 112 times a day

Dun't find anythin interesting about the Ad. But Canadians are rather patriotic..SO i guess it was kinda cool to them..
here it is...

So yea..
HE did that.. With his "uniform" and all..
Was pretty cool seeing a teacher with soo much passion fer his country. And with so much dedication to win our attention and our hearts.

Still can't picture our tudung-ed teachers doing that..

Imagine Salmah... Jumps up on the table.. and..
wait.. let's be realistic
Imagine Salmah jummps on a concrete platform, and starts mimicking the i-talk advertisement...

"EH... i-talk"

"you talk.??"


"Talk lah..!"

"No.. i-talk"


"NOO!!! I-TALK!!"

Lame Malaysians...

Check out our Malaysian Chart Topping Hit Wiey...!!

*Jeng Jeng Jeng*


Mr. J asked us to come out with out own "Malaysian" rant..
Or which ever country u come from..
Coz there are quite a number of foreign doodz in my class..

So here's mine..
Hope it goes on tevee~!

I’m A Malaysian,
I don’t mind eating at food stalls which many may consider dirty,
In fact, some say it makes the food more tasty,
Just like everyone else, I could survive just by eating Indian roti,
And almost everything I eat must include curry or chili.

Yes, there is no doubt the food does make use the loo more often,
This could be why the public toilets always smell like a drove of oxen,
Sometimes, as Malaysians it’s hard to understand each other,
Tamil, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Bahasa,
But we all know when someone is cursing our mother.

Like any other country, we have a national sport,
Shopping it is! Yes, we never get bored,
If you want to get there on time, don’t even think about the public transport,
By the time it comes, you would have already to start to rot.

We Malaysians, we can never be on the dot,
Neither can we accept our mistakes; we’ll never admit we forgot,
You’d probably hear something like, It’s not fault! My watch did stop,
We’ll try to get away with everything; we never want to get caught.

Most people speed on the road to get to somewhere on time,
Malaysian drivers, we’re one of a kind,
Going in all directions, never able ro read the road sign,
Signaling with our middle fingers, cursing women drivers are all blind,
Don’t panic if you see an officer on the road, don’t worry about the fine,
Slip the officer a fifty, and all he’ll say is, “Don’t speed again next time!”

Some Malay girls walk around with things on their head which looks like a dome,
Some Singh guys bundle their hair up like they can’t afford a comb,
Some Chinese are stingy, we’ll trick you into buying anything, we’ll never leave you alone,
We’re all different is so many ways, but we will always respect everyone of our own,
Malaysia, yes it weird country, right down to the bone,
But I love this place, I call it my home.


J-KhOO said...

Mana ada..?
My title corret wert..

When I become rich and famous..
I'll employ you to spell words for me..

So no worries..
Your good "A Levels" spelling will come to good use.. =O)

+mikachirifu+ said...

sikologi la sesat