Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Last Game

even after ah mai's departure. we still managed to play one last game. against joseph and friends. they were good and yes our passes didn't work. received an sms few minutes back from cicak. and it was really touching.

since my phone cant forward msg's i decided to do it on the blog. as jinn and kev depart in the coming two days. It'll only be left with sam, jeff, ek, xiang, agu , justin and i. and again on the 25th xiang and ek will be leaving.

i highly doubt we're considered a team even though theres 5 of us left. it'll never be the same without the rest.

i will miss playing with the team, as i've always tried to give my 100% and its been a joy playing with all of you guys.

even though i was rest of the world for the first few years of this team. but it's been an honour, a gift i might add to play for this team.

Hopefully in bout 10 months or maybe middle of this year we will get to play again. thank you so much kwfc, for buying me from rest of the world :D

-no 6-


Justin Mah said...


J-KhOO said...

We didn't buy you from Rest of The World la..

It was a free transfer cos they didnt wanna renew your contract..


Never the less..

It was an Arsene Wenger decision to steal you away!

Anonymous said...

Ive learnt the ways of kewei and kept it at heart.once a kewei....nvr the other way....=P