Thursday, February 19, 2009


Gday Mates!

Great ta hear yall are doin miserably without me back home..

Ahahaa.. Just kiddin man..

My flight was great..

Slept all the way.

Im still homeless.. But it's all good. Bunking at two different places at the mo. Both in city. Gonna check a place in the suburbs later. Probabbly gonna stay with some locals. Hope they like Malaysian fart. Quite on form these days. Must be all that subway with onions. Weather's good.. Always breezy.. I really like Adelaide.
Think I can get used to this lifestyle.

Everyone here's really nice. Random conversations with strangers are pretty common. Still not used to not J walking. It's like even when there are no cars, people are willing to wait for the traffic light to cross the street. And they'll walk to the end of the road at the pedestrian crossing just to get to the other side. No more waving the Tunku Abdul Rahman Merdeka Hand at cars while crossing.

Oh yeah.. And the water here's abit salty i must say. The currents probably pushed the water from Krabi all the way here. Bloody Ji Fai...


I'll just briefly take yall on a photo tour of Adelaide.

Here's Rundle Street, probbably the busiest street in the town. This is where all the shops are. Pretty common to see ppl basking, doing magic tricks, playing with wierd balls and stuff just to get a couple of dollars.

This is Rundle Street at night. So not used to everything closing at 5. It's day light savings now so.. yeah, everything's just a lil faster.

I've met ppl from everywhere.. America, Germany, Switzerland, Canada.. etc etc.. but I've not met any Australians..

Lol.. Wierd eh?

Anyways.. We hit the beach on Tuesday. Was really cool. Can see myself spending most of my time here. Supposed to go surfing the other day. But there wasn't space for me in the car. So.. Oh Well..

Some Americans and Canadians I met..

Was having a good laugh about our cultural differences.

Mike the guy wearing red in front was asking the Canadians how they say Tomato.

Mike: Hey, Caroline... How do Canadians say Tomarrto?

Caroline: Um.. Don't know about the others, but I say Tomayto.

Mike: How about u Justin? How do u guys in Malaysia say it?

Justin: Um.. To be honest, Most people in Malaysia would say TO.......MAH......TOE!


And the girl on the left is Katherine.

So we call her Kat.

And she was like.. I need a nickname.. "How do you say Cat in Malaysia?"

And i was like... "Er.. Kuching?"

"Umm.. How about Chinese?"

"I think it's Mao"

Ok.. My Malaysian name is now.. KUCHING MAO! ..Ya know.. Like Kitty Kat?



Australia's a cool place with many diverse people and cultures who're really friendly.

I think i just might take Kevin Rudd's offer and stay here for a lil bit.. ;)

That's all for now..

Hopefully I have a place the next time i update yall..

Wish me luck..!


Keeping all in prayer,

Captain Khoo

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To All KWFC members

hey guys, as you know the ke wei's are seperated between land and sea right now. Was hoping you guys would update as much as you can just like to keep everybody in touch. update your facebook, or you guys should check out ! look for me colin quah.

so as i was saying its bout time the boys from adelaide and the boys from melb give some sort of monthly update on whats going with your lives that kinda thing just to keep the act together. like for example, today cicak hapiness in parkson and the sales lady thought it was jeff. :D

and lastly tell us your aussie numbers la fool, how else am i to contact you guys!

oh yeah and my skype user id : colin.quah so look add me up!

so guys stay in touch. and please tell me your holiday dates you uni SA boys, so its either you come to melb or i'll come down to adelaide DEAL!?

ek and xiang are bored to death. i'm like damn lazy the last few days. the rest am not too sure, probs still the same la. agu sleeping, jeff pissing in the ocean, sam playing basketball, and justin eating at tai thong. as for sticky, i havent heard from him at all! probs in adelaide now la :P hehe.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Last Game

even after ah mai's departure. we still managed to play one last game. against joseph and friends. they were good and yes our passes didn't work. received an sms few minutes back from cicak. and it was really touching.

since my phone cant forward msg's i decided to do it on the blog. as jinn and kev depart in the coming two days. It'll only be left with sam, jeff, ek, xiang, agu , justin and i. and again on the 25th xiang and ek will be leaving.

i highly doubt we're considered a team even though theres 5 of us left. it'll never be the same without the rest.

i will miss playing with the team, as i've always tried to give my 100% and its been a joy playing with all of you guys.

even though i was rest of the world for the first few years of this team. but it's been an honour, a gift i might add to play for this team.

Hopefully in bout 10 months or maybe middle of this year we will get to play again. thank you so much kwfc, for buying me from rest of the world :D

-no 6-

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

As requested



PLUS gym + apples + tomatoes + protein shakes + RELIABILITY(hehe insiders joke) MINUS ms read choc cake MINUS 2 plates of wantan mee for lunch MINUS nasi lemak tambah nasi

2008-till my lungs and liver fails me :D

Don't say I'm not sporting :)