Friday, January 08, 2010


Hippo fun facts

1. Hippos are responsible for more deaths, in Africa, than any other wild animal.

2. Hippos measure about 5 feet tall and about 12 feet long, with a mouth that measures two feet across. With this much weight you'd think a hippo would be slow but they can easily outrun humans.

3. Males are sexually mature at 6-13 years old, females at 7-15 years. If a new male takes the group, chasing away the former dominant male, he will kill all the young of the group, so that the females turn into heat and mate with him.

4. The main enemies of the hippo are crocodiles, lions and hyenas. A hippo will usually give a warning of either yawning, lunging, or dung-showering. The hippo will often turn backside to an enemy and let dung fly. This is done to show confrontation or even superiority.